Nancy Segal
She is a professor and researcher at California State University, where she is Director of the Twin Studies Center. She is internationally recognized for her vast research on twins.
It is a city in Minas Gerais known as the city of twins. As a result of this partnership, a survey will be carried out on the birth rate of twins in the city.

Confraria das Mães de Gêmeos
A group of mothers of twins from Rio Grande do Sul that aims at mutual support and the exchange of experiences and content on the subject.

Fausto Medeiros Mendes
Professor and researcher at the University of Brasília. He has experience in Psychology, with an interest in the evolution of human social behavior.
Former collaborators

Meike Bartels
She is a professor and researcher in genetics and well-being in the Department of Biological Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.